Is Global Warming Affecting Coffee Production?

In a word yes. this article explains it much better than I can.  From Extreme weather is affecting the cost of coffee. Between April 2020 and December 2021, coffee prices increased 70% after droughts and frost destroyed crops in Brazil, the world’s largest coffee-producing country. The economic ramifications could be profound, since it’s estimated that as many as 120 million of the world’s poorest depend on coffee production for their survival. John Furlow, director of the Columbia Climate School’s International Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI), said coffee farmers in places like Costa Rica and Jamaica can’t just move […]

What Is Causing Coffee To Be More Expensive?

Have you noticed that you are paying more for your favorite beverage, coffee? We’ll you are correct. An average cup at your local coffee shop averages about $4.50. Five years ago it was around $3.85. That is about a 17% increase, compared to an overall inflation rate of 10%. What is causing this sharp increase?  There are a lot of issues factoring into this. The coffee industry runs on very thin margins and is a very competitive business. COVID lockdowns have disrupted the shipping of beans, which has adversely affected the supply of coffee worldwide. Another major disruptor of the […]

Newly Rediscovered Coffee Species Could Save The Industry From Climate Change!

Like so many other life forms, the world of coffee is threatened by the increasing temperatures and irregular rain patterns that are a result of climate change. The varieties that produce the best tasting coffee have had difficulty adapting to the threat but a species in West Africa can grow in harsher conditions and tastes like the highly quality Arabica bean. This species is called Stenophylla. It is a rare wild plant that is heat and drought tolerant as well. It comes at the right time as scientists estimate that about 50% of areas where coffee currently is cultivated will […]