Let’s Thank The Birds And Bees For Our Morning Coffee!

So coffee isn’t the first thing I think of when discussing the Birds and Bees…? But here me out! Birds help control pests that eat/ruin the coffee fruit and Bees help to pollinate the coffee plants! Plus, there’s more! From Phys.org: A recent study researched how birds helped control pests and how bees helped pollinate coffee farms. The research showed how working with wildlife can help farmers make more money. But it is just one example of the benefits nature gives us that we take for granted. Nature purifies the water we drink and the air we breathe, it helps […]

Does Coffee Actually Dehydrate You?

So, conventional wisdom says that, since caffeine is a diuretic, drinking coffee would dehydrate you. Not so fast! A new study suggests that moderate consumption of caffeine beverages like coffee can actually be hydrating. from LifeSavvy: As you’re likely already aware, coffee contains caffeine which is a diuretic. It causes your body to create more urine and could increase blood flow to the kidneys. The result is that you pee more, and that could affect hydration. That caffeine content paired with how often you drink coffee can determine whether it could be hydrating. So the idea that coffee dehydrates you? […]

Coffee Can Prevent Kidney Stones: New Study

A new study shows that drinking coffee may prevent kidney stones. From The Atlanta Journal-Constitution: “Our findings show that going from, for example, one cup a day to 1.5 cups per day, reduces the risk of kidney stones by 40 percent,” study co-author Susanna C. Larsson, PhD, said in a press release. “Our findings strongly suggest that regular coffee consumption reduces the risk of kidney stone formation.” A kidney stone is a hard object made from chemicals in the urine. After formation, the stone may stay in the kidney or travel down the urinary tract into the ureter. More than […]

YIKES!! Study: Drinking Coffee Makes You Spend More

Whoa! So, do you want to avoid overspending when shopping? Don’t drink coffee! I can’t believe I just typed that!! From Science Daily: If you’re trying to scale back on impulse purchases, then you may want to hold off on drinking that coffee. An international study led by the University of South Florida (USF) found that caffeine impacts what you buy and how much you spend when shopping. The research team ran three experiments in retail stores — an industry that’s increasingly been adding coffee bars near their entrances. In their study published in the Journal of Marketing, they found that shoppers […]

Drinking Coffee Can Extend Your Life: New Study

Another study from The Annals of Internal Medicine links drinking coffee to living a longer life. From MSN: “The newest study analyzed coffee consumption habits of more than 170,000 people in the United Kingdom ages 37 to 73 and followed them for an average of seven years. Researchers found that those who drank between 1.5 to 3.5 cups of coffee per day were 16% to 21% less likely to die from all-cause, cancer-related and cardiovascular disease-related mortality during the study period than non-coffee drinkers.“ Yup. A steady stream of studies that continue to show how beneficial coffee can be to improve your health and […]

Drinking Coffee Lowers Coronavirus Risk

Did I read that correctly?!! There is some good news for coffee addicts regarding COVID-19. According to a recent study in The UK, drinking at least one cup of coffee a day reduces your risk of contracting the disease! From WION: A study conducted by researchers from the Northwestern University has revealed that people who consume one or more cups of coffee per day have nearly 10 per cent less chance of getting infected by the deadly coronavirus, in comparison to those who are not consuming coffee at all. So, what are we to take from this study? Is it […]

Drinking Coffee Reduces Suicide Risk

The past year has been hard on many of us who miss the one on one interaction of other people. Being shut in and separated because of the pandemic has added to loneliness and stress levels for millions of people. And this can have serious mental health repercussions. It turns out, coffee can mitigate this and the most recent research says coffee reduces suicide risk. From The Harvard School Of Public Health: The authors reviewed data from three large U.S. studies and found that the risk of suicide for adults who drank two to four cups of caffeinated coffee per […]

What Is Protein Coffee Or Proffee?

What is protein coffee? Yes, we’re talking about another coffee trend that everyone simply must try. Or maybe not. Let’s take a look. Simply put, protein coffee, or proffee, is adding some form of protein to your coffee. It can be animal, whey or plant based protein. Actually, this has been a thing for like ever because people have been adding milk to coffee for like…ever! And, milk has a good amount of protein. But now it is becoming more fashionable to add animal or veggie protein powders, or high protein veggie based milks, among many other protein sources. Are […]

Let’s Talk Coffee And Heart Health

So, one of the big questions about coffee and heart health; Is it good for you? Most of us get a jolt of energy with that first sip of coffee in the morning. It feels great! It helps us focus. But are we doing harm to our heart? Not according to the latest studies. In fact, coffee is good for your heart, according to the findings. From EatThis.com: This may be music to your sleep-deprived ears: new research convincingly shows that, for most people, enjoying coffee on a regular basis may actually be good for your heart. This is one of the reasons […]

New Study Finds Link With Coffee And Liver Health

Is there a link between coffee and liver health? We reach for our morning coffee to help us wake up and stay alert. We know that studies continue to show the many benefits of drinking coffee such as improving brain function and living longer. Now there is another showing there is a link with coffee and liver health. Overall, coffee is very good for your liver. Via Cleveland Clinic: “Coffee is especially helpful when it comes to nonalcoholic fatty liver disease,” says Dr. Wakim-Fleming. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease occurs when extra fat builds up in liver cells. It affects 1 […]