I used to have a Keurig Machine. I loved the convenience and speed of getting my coffee in the morning! It was a great way to enjoy a morning mug. What I never liked were the single-use plastic pods that are being consumed and dumped into landfills by the billions! That was the final straw for me. I got a simple Automatic Brew Machine instead.
If I had known about Tayst Coffee, I may have reconsidered and may still.
Tayst Coffee has developed a 100% compostable k-cup with delicious, gourmet coffee inside! These k-cups actually add nutrients back into the soil! That’s pretty cool!! The image below breaks down the components of each cup and shows what it is made of.

You can try for yourself and let me know how you like their coffee. If you don’t have a Keurig, Tayst also offers coffee in a can!